Agenda Item 6

Report to:

County Consultative Committee


Date of meeting:


12th July 2023


Clare Cornford


Local Authority Governor appointments and Governor and Clerking Service Update for Councillors


To update Councillors on the nomination for appointment of local authority governors and governor training



1) For information

11        Background

1.1       The local authority has a statutory duty to approve nominations for local authority governors. Once nominated, schools then appoint local authority governors onto their governing board. 

1.2       This report provides a summary of local authority governor applications approved for nomination, and information about the level of governor vacancies across the county. 

2          Supporting information

2.1       Since the report sent to Councillors on the 29th March 2023, 2 local authority governors were nominated for appointment, all were approved for a 4 year term of office.  There was one new appointment and one reapplication.

Jennifer Cruse

Pashley Down Infant School


Hugh Jones

St Philips Catholic Primary School

New Appointment


2.2 The Governor and Clerking Service have  now embedded the new GovernorHub System for booking training and recording governor details. Out of the 1198 governors in maintained schools, only 212 have not yet signed up to the new system and we are working with these governors to onboard them.

2.3 The team ran a total of 138 sessions for governors over the course of the academic year. This number includes 71 training sessions, 28 networking sessions, 39 briefing sessions and 6 Local Area Forums. There were 199 working days of the academic year 2022-2023, which means that 63% of the academic year has been dedicated to running the training programme. The Governor and Clerking Service will provide an annual training overview for the 2022-23 academic year at the next County Consultative Committee.

2.4 New sessions for the 2023-24 Academic year will include Governance of the Primary Curriculum, Evidencing Challenge, Leadership on the Board, the Pupil Premium, SEND sessions, Termly Clerk Networking and Minute Masterclass.

2.4 There have been 199 new governors appointed since the 1st September 2022 in maintained schools. There has also been some further success with the Governor Recruitment Campaign, with 21 people expressing an interest in becoming a governor since 1st January.


Clare Cornford
Project Officer: Governor and Clerking Service

Contact Officer: Clare Cornford
Tel. No. 01323 466885



